
Ethics Policy

Effective as of 10 September 2020

Reviewed 28 April 2021

Human rights

Big Rigs Australia is committed to conducting its business in a way that respects human rights, including our employees, customers, suppliers, and the communities in which we operate.

Our commitment to respect human rights is based on the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and our approach is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We aim to respect human rights by:

  • Considering human rights and setting minimum expectations as part of sourcing and purchasing decisions.
  • Providing our employees and contractors with a safe, secure and inclusive work environment free from discrimination, bullying, and harassment, together with fair pay and labour conditions.
  • Contributing to the social and economic development of the community in which we operate and working with communities to understand their priorities and concerns.

Big Rigs Australia will work towards achieving these objectives by:

  • Educating our employees of this policy through induction and training programs.
  • Undertake due diligence activities including risk assessments to identify, prevent, and mitigate the impact of our operations on human rights, including any form of child labour or slavery including forced labour.
  • Engage and build relationships with stakeholders who have a common approach.

Modern slavery

Big Rigs Australia is a business which has a zero tolerance to modern slavery. We are committed to limiting the risk of modern slavery occurring within our business, our supply chain, or through any business relationship.

Our modern slavery policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity including employees, directors, officers, agents, contractors, consultants, and any other third-party representative. We expect that those who seek to have a business relationship with us are familiar with this policy and act in a way that is consistent with our values.

Big Rigs Australia will only do business with organisations who comply with this policy or those who are taking verifiable steps towards compliance.


Modern slavery covers four key criminal activities:

  • Slavery where ownership is exercised over an individual.
  • Servitude where the obligations to provide a service is imposed by coercion.
  • Forced and compulsory labour.
  • Human trafficking.


Our Dealer Principal has overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal and ethical obligations and that our controls are complied with.

Managers at all levels are responsible to ensure all employees understand and comply with this policy and receive the necessary training. Our purchasing officers have day to day responsibility for implementing this policy through the supply chain process.

All employees are responsible to understand and comply with this policy.

Our anti-slavery actions

Big Rigs Australia will conduct ongoing risk assessment to identify which of our suppliers may be at risk from modern slavery and seek out the measures they have in place to ensure modern slavery is not occurring in their business. Where appropriate we commit to engage with suppliers who have an anti-slavery policy.

We will request our contracted suppliers to hold their own suppliers to the same standards.

We will review and where necessary update our supplier contracts to strengthen the terms, condition, provisions, and standards relating to slavery.


We will communicate our zero-tolerance approach to suppliers, contractors, and business partners. Employees will be given training as required. Any breach of this policy is to be reported to the Dealer Principal. Any employee who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action. We will terminate our relationship with any other individual or organisation who breaches this policy.